For Authors

Manuscripts are accepted for review on the understanding that similar work has been neither published nor submitted elsewhere and that all the authors have given their approval for the submission of the paper. The submitting author must provide all co-authors’ contact information (full name, institutional affiliation, complete mailing address with postal code and country*, and corporative email).

The corresponding author is responsible for notifying all the co-authors that the manuscript is being submitted. Deleting an author after the submission requires a confirmation e-mail to the assigned editor from the author whose name is to be deleted.

Manuscripts should be submitted in English via e-mail ( formatted according to 


Before the submission, please follow the Author Guidelines. Only manuscripts meeting all the formal requirements and successfully passing the plagiarism check will be considered for review and further publication. The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit articles, including proofreading and final formatting.

* Please note that the Editorial Board of the Journal of Engineering Sciences strongly strives to increase the diversity in the geographic distribution of authors.